Saturday, October 30, 2010

Magnesium Toxicity in the Body

While studying the different forms of magnesium supplements,I was surprised by the number of people who thought theymight be suffering from magnesium toxicity. Even thoughstudies have shown that many people are actually sufferingfrom an unknown magnesium deficiency, many people thoughtthe opposite, that they might be suffering from magnesium
toxicity. Suffering from magnesium toxicity is very
improbable for healthy persons, and really only generally
happens with persons who have a kidney malfunction of some
kind. So if you're thinking that you might be suffering from
magnesium toxicity, definitely get your kidneys checked out.
Of course, taking high doses of a magnesium supplement, much
more than the recommended daily intake can cause magnesium
toxicity, but that should be obvious to most people.

There is an instance where magnesium toxicity can arise in
an otherwise healthy individual. Some laxatives as well as
antacids contain high levels of magnesium. If you take high
doses of either and are suspecting that you have magnesium
toxicity, either stop taking the supplements altogether in
lieu of others that don't contain magnesium, or else rotate
other supplements into your diet that don't contain

Magnesium is an absolutely essential element to the body. In
order to maintain healthy teeth and bones, there needs to be
a balance between magnesium and calcium. Having an
overabundance of magnesium doesn't really interfere with
healthy teeth and bones, but having too little is a definite
cause of bone deficiency. In many reports, there is a direct
correlation between countries that have the worst calcium to
magnesium ratio, and instances of bone dysfunction like
osteoporosis. Magnesium is also very therapeutic. I've taken
it myself to help battle insomnia, and it's very effective.
It also relaxes the muscles and soothes the body, promoting
a general state of ease.

Magnesium has also been called a life saving drug. An expert
friend recently informed me of his personal experience with
magnesium, how it powerfully halted seizures within 30
seconds of intake, and how on the labels of some powerful
medications it instructed that magnesium should be
administered intravenously as a last resort, if all else
failed. So as you can see, magnesium is a very useful
element in the human body, very well regulated by the
kidneys and other organs. Experiencing magnesium toxicity is
pretty unlikely, so if you're suspecting that you're
experiencing it, you should consult a physician immediately,
because your condition might be a rare and serious one.

But to be thorough, lets list a few specific symptoms that
have been linked to magnesium toxicity. Some of the
symptoms are pretty general overall, and apply to many
different types of ailments.

1) Generalized Weakness -- Both in the muscles and in the
2) Sleepiness -- Fatigue and sleepiness are often
3) Very Low Blood Pressure. 
4) Chronic Diarrhea. 
5) Shortness of Breath

Magnesium toxicity is a much more rare condition than
magnesium deficiency. Most of the time, people actually
have an unknown deficiency rather than a toxicity. 
According to the National Academy of Sciences, most
Americans are deficient in magnesium, among other possible
deficiencies. Magnesium is an element that's very prevalent
in the body, and toxicity will only occur through a specific
set of circumstances. However, if you think you might be
experiencing magnesium toxicity, definitely consult a
physician, as your condition might be both rare and serious.

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