soda is one of the staples of natural cleaning products. No home should be without at least one packet of baking powder. Even if you do not use for cleaning, baking soda is good for so many other things.
First of all, what is baking soda? Baking soda is the common name for sodium bicarbonate, but it can also soda. Chemically speaking, NaHCO3 formula for baking powder, and it appears as a white powder that is mildly alkaline. It is important to distinguish sodium from sodium, the latter is known as soda, which is also a range of applications, ranging from a foaming agent in toothpaste to clean the bones for display in museums or trophy cabinets. Soda is another popular natural cleaning product that is excellent for softening the water, removes grease and oil from dust and descaling devices, such as coffee machines. Baking soda is chemically related to soda, of course, because it is a byproduct of the production of soda ash - which in itself or a byproduct of ordinary table salt, or produced from the ashes obtained by burning certain types of seaweed.
The alkaline properties of baking soda to make it not only an important addition to cleaning the closet, but for the first aid kit. The poison in colostrum is acidic, so baking soda neutralizes the acid and soothes the effects of the sting. Alkalinity means that the baking soda in water is a safe method for performing an acid stomach. It can not be nice, but it works. If you find that you use baking soda to a bad stomach acid to rest often, so it would be best to find the cause, however.
But because only a mildly alkaline, it is not harmful to the skin - it is less alkaline than soap and much less alkaline than other cleaners such as chlorine. This makes it ideal for use as detergent, if the skin is resistant to prolonged contact with the baking powder.
And baking soda is very good as a general cleaner home to almost anything. Because it is slightly abrasive, and adds that the surfactant stream of water (water is able to wet and floating debris away from where you do not want it to be dirty), it is able to make things clean and vibrant, but without scraping and scrubbing. It is water soluble, which means it is easy to rinse after the cleaning work. And if a little dry baking soda is a fun way to remove it is to spray a little vinegar in it - it foams and bubbles when baking soda reacts with acid. Baking powder is suitable for cleaning in whiteware such as fridges, cookers and microwaves, Benchtop, basins and baths, toilets, and even your teeth. It is not suitable for cleaning glass, however.
Bicarbonate is also used, of course, in the kitchen. While most people these days are using self-raising flour or baking powder, it is possible to make your own baking powder from baking soda, baking powder or just use the right ingredients. When baking powder reacts with an acid, there will be lots of bubbles of carbon dioxide, making the dough or batter to rise and puff up. To make your own baking powder, mix one third of a teaspoon of baking powder with half teaspoon of citric or tartaric acid per cup of flour. Or just order your cake or scones with slightly acid in the dough, such as yogurt or even a teaspoon of vinegar. Do not use too much baking powder - no more than one third of a teaspoon per cup - otherwise the resulting bread tastes a little metallic.
Baking soda also makes a fun and safe introduction to chemistry for children - even toddlers. Children can react with baking soda safe acids such as vinegar or lemon juice with no risk (you do not need special clothing or protective goggles to do so). Another fun science project with the baking powder for the children to use the purple liquid left after cooking red cabbage as a "litmus liquid" - baking liquid is blue, while the acids go to the pink / magenta. Hours (well, the area for small children) for fun.
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